Why Landscapes

In the spirit of Miranda Priestley from The Devil Wears Prada, “Landscapes for Fall… groundbreaking.” So, no. Landscapes are nothing new. Neither are abstract landscapes if we’re being honest. But there’s a reason why cliches bring us joy, and traditions are what they are: they feel good. They make sense. We look forward to them.
Though by this point you know I never intentionally create, wear or do what everyone else is doing. When it comes to art, my goal is to have a touchstone that we (you and me) love and put a different spin on it.
Anniversary Hike, 24" x 24," oil on canvas framed in white oak
So what’s the spin on my new abstract landscape collection? They’re not really landscapes. They are “inspired by” landscapes. They’re like those movies that are inspired by the true story but when you watch it you struggle to find the original tale… and you like the inspired version far more.
Not to get too art speak on you (bear with me), but my intention was for the landscape to be the entry point into the painting. I want you to recognize the color palettes, loose compositions and movement of the paint as landscape-esque. As you start looking at the painting more closely, then it becomes more: the marks, the whimsy, the layers, will allow you to discover your own version of what you see.
"Autumn at the Bluff," 30" x 30," oil on canvas framed in white oak
Your own version of??? A favorite place. A favorite memory. An accomplishment. A birthday. A milestone. A feeling you want to hold onto. And of course, this is different for everyone. And why I love abstract art: you can see it your own way.
For me, I kept seeing vacations or moments outside with my kids. The simple, daily moments of motherhood [with young kids that’s going by at a rapid pace]. How can I hold on to those moments? Relive them? Be reminded of this time 20 years from now? But also not in a direct way… I don’t want portraits of them outside… I want something cooler, edgier. Something that I know what I see when I look at it, but isn’t obvious to the next person, and can also stand the test of time and my décor choices.
"Midnight in Paris," 16" x 12," oil on canvas framed in white oak
Same goes for favorite vacations. I don’t want souvenir art of 30A or Positano. But I do want art that reminds me of those memories… the colors, the feel.
And thus, this collection was born: touchstones to those places and times, filled with color and movement and your own version of sacred memories. Art that feels like you, isn’t like what’s in everyone else’s home and goes perfectly with your space.
I hope you love it. The collection launches November 14th 2023 at 9AM EST for email subscribers. 11AM EST for the public. Get on my email list here for early access.
Keep reading more about my inspiration and process in my other posts, here.
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